Executive Board (Elected Roles)
Carla Gregory
Supervises the Board and contributes to shaping the Society’s future direction, along with its festivals and other events. Prioritizes financial oversight and ensures compliance with festival regulations while managing all aspects of event organization, including finale shows.
Corry Pettigrew
Vice President
Carries out assignments requested by the Board president and is prepared to take over the president’s responsibilities in their absence.
Tammy Garrett
Carries out the bookkeeping for the Society, reports to the Board on financial matters, liaisons with accounting professionals and is responsible for financial reporting compliance. Also involved in the organization of festival and events.
Stefanie Cunningham
Attends all Board and festival committee meetings and provides minutes of those meetings to the Board. Also involved in the organization of festival and events.
Amanda Binder
Provincial Rep Coordinator
Works with the president, overseeing the Provincial Rep choices by the adjudicators, liaising with the provincial festival, communicating information about registration to participants and registering participants.
Michelle Draper
Music Chair
Works with the president, overseeing the Music section of the festival, communicating with registrants, organizing scheduling and events.
Non-Elected Roles
Stefanie Cunningham
Social Media Coordinator/Publicist
Manages posts to Facebook and Instagram, communicating information about the festival, results and other information as it becomes available.
Corry Pettigrew
Volunteer Coordinator
Manages, schedules and communicates with volunteers.
Tammy Garrett
Awards Coordinator
Organizes the awards list, collects sponsorships and donations for awards, and manages the trophies, medals and wristbands.